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About the Wildflower Seeds...

Clients often have questions about the seeds that are included with packets purchased with seeds.  I'll do my best to answer them here, but do feel free to drop me a note if you still have questions.  The wildflower seeds in the mix have been thoughtfully selected for the beauty of their blooms, ease of growing, and ability to grow in most regions of the United States.  They are high quality seeds that are 100% USA grown and include absolutely no fillers. The flowers attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterflies, honeybees, bumblebees, hummingbirds, and more.

1.  What seeds are included?

  • Autumn Beauty Sunflower  This annual will add rustic beauty to your garden.  This mix will produce sunflowers with many different stripes and colors of warm tones.  Blooms late summer to early Fall.
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay
  • Pumila Zinnia This easy to grow annual comes in a lovely mix of pink, purple, orange, red, white, and yellow.  It is a smaller version of the old-time garden favorite, so it's perfect for smaller gardens or containers.

Image by jggrz from Pixabay

  •  Grey Stripe Sunflower  These giant sunflowers bloom late summer early Fall.  This annual heirloom variety can reach an impressive height of 7 feet.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

  • Tall Morning Glory  These beautiful annuals have heart-shaped leaves which contrast with a beautiful mix of blue, pink, and purple blossoms that are ever climbing upward. 

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

  • Tall Bachelor Button Cornflower  Included are shades of red, white, pink, and blue and they will brighten any corner of the garden.  You'll see blooms on this annual early to late summer.

Image by ValeriaLu from Pixabay

 2.  For how long are seeds good?

Seeds will stay fresh and plantable for one year or longer as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place.  Recently, I came across a small bag of wildflower seeds that I had used for some picture props that were around a year and a half old.  Although I was a bit skeptical, I planted them anyway in a few different locations outside around my house.  I scattered them in pots and directly on the ground in places that receive direct sunlight.  To my delight they grew quickly and bloomed as if the seeds had been recently acquired.

3.  What are the planting instructions?

Inside each packet purchased with seeds is an instructions card for your guest, explaining when and how to plant the seeds.  These seeds grow best when planted when the weather is warm and all danger of frost has passed.  The seeds love direct sunlight and can be scattered to the surface of the soil or planted in a pot.  After lightly raking seeds into the soil, they should be watered immediately to make sure that they stay put.  You can expect to see sprouting in 7 to 10 days.  Additional tips for growing beautiful wildflowers can be viewed in the video below. 

4.  How many seeds are included in each packet?

Each packet contains 1 heaping teaspoon of wildflower seeds.  This will cover around a square foot of ground or a large planter.

Wildflowers add color and beauty wherever they are planted.  As many of my clients prefer to have their packets say Plant with Love....Plant Happiness!

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